Tips to remove Grease and Oil Stains from Carpets

Tips to remove Grease and Oil Stains from Carpets

Carpets add a touch of style to your space. This, in turn, boosts the overall appeal of your home. However, one of the main downsides of carpets is their tendency to attract spills and stains.

Spills and stains, particularly those from grease and oil, can make even the most vibrant carpets look dull and worn. But luckily, you don’t have to rely on harsh cleaning solutions or costly products. 

In this post, we will share some useful tips to remove grease and oil stains from your carpets using a few household ingredients so that you can keep your carpets looking fresh and clean.

How To Clean Grease And Oil Stains From Your Carpet: Top-Notch Tips 

1. Vacuum The Area

Before you grab your cleaning solutions and start cleaning the stain, vacuum the carpet first. Carpet fibers are like tiny nets that trap dirt, dust, and other debris. 

These particles act as a barrier and prevent a stain remover or solution from reaching deep into the carpet fibers and eliminating the stain. Moreover, when water or cleaning solution mixes with dirt, it can create mud. This can be harder to tackle than the original stain. 

A vacuum has a strong suction that can trap and remove these particles to their core. In other words, it makes the area clear for you to apply your solutions and remove the grease or oil effectively. 

2. Apply Your Ingredients 

After vacuuming the carpet, it’s time to apply some solutions. You have several options to choose from based on your preference. But before applying, always test them in a hidden part of the carpet first. 

At times, many homeowners skip this step and often end up damaging their carpets. So, make sure not to fall for such common carpet cleaning mistakes. This is due to the fact that not all carpets can withstand every type of cleaning solution.

(i) Baking Soda Or Cornstarch 

Let’s start with one of the most common cleaning solutions. Both baking soda and cornstarch, as you may know, are highly porous. This means that they can soak up oil and grease from surfaces like carpet fibers. 

Besides, baking soda also contains deodorizing properties. This helps it remove odors by reacting with acidic and basic odor molecules of the stain. Hence, sprinkle a good amount of baking soda or cornstarch over the grease or oil. 

Ensure the solution covers the stain properly and then allow it to sit for around 30 minutes. This gives the powder ample time to soak up the stain and the odor as well. After the powder absorbs the grease or oil, vacuum it up.

(ii) Rubbing Alcohol 

Rubbing alcohol is a solvent. Meaning, it can dissolve other substances. Grease and oil are non-polar substances and ironically, so is rubbing alcohol (but only partly). Hence, what happens is that when you apply rubbing alcohol over the stain, it spits up the oil or grease particles. 

Another good thing about rubbing alcohol is that it dries up quickly. This quick evaporating means it doesn’t leave residue behind (unlike some water-based solutions). 

Thus, apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a clean cloth or paper towel and gently blot the stain. Work from the edges towards the center to prevent the stain from spreading. 

Keep doing so until the stain no more appears. Lastly, rinse the area with clean water and blot dry.

(iii) Dish Soap And Warm Water

The combination of dish soap and warm water is another useful way to remove grease and oil stains from the carpet. Dish soap contains water-attracting as well as water-repelling molecules. 

The water-attracting molecules attach to grease and oil, while the water-repelling molecules attach to water. This combination lifts the grease or oil and suspends it in the water. Follow the steps to learn how to apply them: 

  • Mix a few drops of dish soap with warm water in a bowl. 
  • After that, take a clean cloth, dampen it with this solution, and gently blot the stain. With every stroke of blot, you’ll notice the stain slightly lifting. 
  • Once the stain vanishes, dampen another clean cloth with plain warm water and blot the area to remove any soap residue. 

(iv) Vinegar Solution

White vinegar solutions mainly contain acetic acid. This acidic nature of vinegar allows it to cut through the oil or grease and break down its core molecules. This makes it easier to remove the stain from the carpet fibers. 

Therefore, add ½ tablespoon of white vinegar with water in a spray bottle. Then, light spray the vinegar and water solution onto the stained area. Make sure the carpet is damp but not soaked. Allow it to sit for some 10 minutes before you rinse and blot it with a clean cloth. 

Note: The acidic nature of vinegar also helps remove wine stains or chocolate stains from your carpet. Thus, if you spill any of those substances on your carpets, feel free to use vinegar to tackle them. 

(v) Club Soda 

Club soda (also known as carbonated water) contains dissolved carbon dioxide gas. The bubbles and fizz from carbonation help agitate and lift grease or oil particles from the carpet fibers. This physical action makes it easier to blot and remove the stain. 

Pour a small amount of club soda directly onto the stain. You don’t need to soak the carpet. Just use enough to cover the affected area. After this, use a clean cloth or sponge and gently blot the stain. Continue blotting until the stain begins to lift. 

If the stain is particularly stubborn, you may need to repeat the process several times, and once the stain banishes, rinse the area with clean water and blot it dry. 

3. Let The Carpet Air Dry 

As you’ve dealt with the stain, allow your carpet to air dry properly. If the carpet remains damp, it may develop unpleasant smells or weaken the carpet fibers as well. 

To air dry, all you have to do is simply open all the windows in your home for the natural air to come and circulate throughout your carpeted space and work its magic. You can also place table fans near the cleaned area to speed up the process or turn on your dehumidifiers. 

Let’s Close It Up!

One of the hardest facts to accept about your carpets is that spills and stains are fated for them, no matter how much you try to prevent such mishaps. Although they are not a matter of concern, some stains, like grease or oil, can be particularly tough to tackle. 

While this may seem discouraging, the good thing is that with a handful of household solutions, you can remove grease and oil stains from your carpet much more easily contrary to what you think. The key lies in using them the right way and banishing those oily messes like a pro. 

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