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The Logic Behind Horoscope Matching In Indian Weddings

In India, horoscope matching is an important part of the marriage process. This practice has been around for centuries and is used to determine compatibility between potential spouses. While some may view it as a superstitious tradition, there is actually a lot of logic behind it. Keep reading to learn more about the reasoning behind horoscope matching in Indian weddings!

What is horoscope matching?

In Indian weddings, horoscope matching is the process of comparing the birth charts of the bride and groom to determine if they are compatible. This practice is based on the belief that the alignment of the planets and stars at the time of one’s birth can influence their future and destiny.

There are a number of factors that are considered when doing horoscope matching, including the placement of the planets and stars, as well as the dasa and bukthi periods. In addition, other considerations such as Manglik dosha are also taken into account.

The purpose of horoscope matching is to identify any potential problems in the relationship so that they can be addressed before the marriage. It is also believed that by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each other, couples can learn to work together more effectively.

If you’re interested in learning more about horoscope matching, there are a number of resources available online. You can also speak with an astrologer to get a better understanding of how this process works.

The logic behind horoscope matching

Horoscope matching is a common practice in Indian weddings. The idea behind it is to find out whether the couple is compatible with each other based on their astrological signs.

There are a lot of factors that are considered while matching the horoscopes of the bride and groom. Some of them are:

– The moon sign of the couple should be compatible with each other.

– The couple should have a good rapport with each other’s planets.

– The horoscopes should indicate that the couple will have a happy and prosperous life together.

From what I have seen, horoscope matching does seem to be pretty accurate in predicting the compatibility of a couple. I know many couples who have had successful marriages after getting their horoscopes matched.

So, if you’re planning an Indian wedding, don’t forget to get your horoscopes checked!

How to go for horoscope matching

The process of horoscope matching in Indian weddings is a logical one that is based on the position of the planets and stars. It is said that when the horoscopes of the bride and groom are matched, it can provide insight into whether or not they are compatible with each other.

There are a few things to keep in mind before horoscope matching.

  • First, it is important to use an accurate birth chart. This will help to ensure that the planetary positions used for the analysis are accurate.
  • Second, it is important to consider the dasa system when matching horoscopes. The dasa system is a way of determining which planets are strongest at any given time. This can be used to determine whether or not the planets are in alignment with each other.
  • Third, it is important to consider the guna system when matching horoscopes. The guna system is a way of determining which qualities are most important in a relationship. This can be used to help identify areas where the bride and groom may be compatible with each other.
  • Fourth, it is also important to consider navamsa charts when doing horoscope matching. Navamsa charts provide additional information about the planets and their positions.

What are the benefits of horoscope matching?

In India, horoscope matching is considered to be an important part of the wedding process. It is believed that by matching the horoscopes of the bride and groom, they will be able to have a more harmonious and successful marriage. There are many benefits that are associated with horoscope matching. Here are some of them:

1. It helps to identify potential compatibility issues: By looking at the horoscopes of the bride and groom, astrologers can identify any potential compatibility issues that may arise in the marriage. This is important because it can help couples to work on these issues before they get married.

2. It can help to create a more harmonious relationship: Horoscope matching can help to create a more harmonious relationship between the bride and groom. This is because it can help them to understand each other better and also to resolve any differences that they may have.

3. It can help couples to make important decisions: Horoscope matching can also be helpful in making important decisions about the wedding itself. For example, it can help couples to decide on an auspicious date for their wedding.

4. It is a fun way to learn about astrology: Finally, horoscope matching can be fascinating if you take it as an interesting subject of study.

1 Comment

  1. ash

    i think horoscope matchingis ok but not so for modern couples who fall madly in love with each other…. how can horoscope play out your love? believe in love. esp true love..

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