The future indefinite tense, which is also called the Simple future tense, is used to frame a action which will take place in the future time. . The simple future is a verb tense that’s used to describe about actionsor things which haven’t happened yet. Thefuture indefinite or simple future tense is the basic form of past tense in grammar of English.Various other forms in future tense include future perfect, future continuous and future perfect continuous. The simple future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. Verb used in past indefinite tense is of base form (V2).
भविष्य अनिश्चित काल, जिसे सरल भविष्य काल भी कहा जाता है, का उपयोग भविष्य में होने वाले कार्यों को करने के लिए किया जाता है। । सरल भविष्य एक क्रिया काल है जिसका उपयोग उन कार्यों के बारे में वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है जो अभी तक नहीं हुए थे। The future अनिश्चितकालीन या सरल भविष्य काल अंग्रेजी के व्याकरण में भूत काल का मूल रूप है। भविष्य के अन्य रूपों में विभिन्न रूपों में भविष्य का सही, भविष्य का निरंतर और भविष्य का सही निरंतर शामिल है। सरल भविष्य का तात्पर्य अब से कुछ समय बाद है, और तथ्यों या निश्चितता को व्यक्त करता है। पिछले अनिश्चित काल में प्रयुक्त क्रिया आधार रूप (V2) की है।
अगर वाक्य के अंत में, गा, गे, गी आदि आते हैं
The sentences in past indefinite tense can be of following form:
Subject (I, We) + Shall + Verb Ist Form + Object
Subject (He, She, You, They) + Will + Verb Ist Form + Object
Some of the contractions which will be used for framing future tense sentences are given below:
I will = I’ll
We will = we’ll
You will = you’ll
He will = he’ll
She will = she’ll
They will = they’ll
Will not = won’t
I shall tell you a good story – मैं आपको एक अच्छी कहानी बताऊंगा
He will teach me tomorrow – वह कल मुझे पढ़ाएगा
She will go to America on Monday – वह सोमवार को अमेरिका जाएंगी
Rahul will teach you the English subject. – राहुल आपको अंग्रेजी विषय पढ़ाएगा।
Subject (I, We) + Shall +not+ Verb Ist Form + Object
Subject (He, She, You, They) + Will +not + Verb Ist Form + Object
I shall not return your money. मैं तुम्हारे पैसे नहीं लौटाऊंगा।
I shall not come to you. मैं तुम्हारे पास नहीं आऊंगा।
He will not beat his friend. वह अपने दोस्त को नहीं मारेगा।
Shall / Will + Subject + Verb Ist Form + Object
Question word + shall/ will + Subject + Verb Ist Form + object
Yes/No type question-
Will/shall+ Subject ( I, You, We, They ) + V1( Base Form of Verb ) + Object + rest of sentence + question mark(?)
- Will and shall are the helping words which are generally used in starting of a interrogative type future indefinite tense.
Wh type question-
Wh word (who, what, how, where, etc.) + will/shall + subject (you, I, They, etc.) + V1 (Base form of word) + object + rest of sentence + question mark (?)
The simple future is used:
- To predict the future-
It will rain heavily tomorrow. - To express willingness or urge something-
He’ll carry your luggage for you. - In the negative form, to express unwillingness-
The baby won’t drink his milk. - Using shall to make an offer-
Shall I open the door? - To take someone’s opinion or give invitation-
Will you come with us to the cinema tonight? - To give orders-
You will complete your work as soon as possible
- We will be going to London tomorrow.
- Will you come to the race with us?
- You shall definitely come to my house on Friday.
- You shall not quit before you reach your goal.
- I will learn a new programming language in 2020.