Those interesting-looking ring-shaped spots on the skin can be mistaken for more than one different condition.
What could it be? Is it just a circular rash or something beyond? Well, there are two skin conditions that induce ring-shaped red spots on the skin. One is eczema and the second is ringworm. So, how to differentiate both without consulting with a doctor?
This article shows some easy ways to separate eczema from ringworm and vice versa. I am pretty sure if you are going to read the whole article, you will be able to diagnose the existing skin condition without professional help.
But before mentioning their differences, it is better to read basic information about each condition that will make the ringworm vs. eczema debate clear.
Being a fungal infection, ringworm affects nails, hair, and skin. As its name says, it forms ring-shaped patches on the affected area. Those spots usually start as tiny pimples but later become circular spots. That’s why, it is also mistaken with acne.
Most of the time, the middle skin within the circular rash looks normal. The rash looks red or pink. The circular spots usually cause itching and can also lead to pain in some cases.
It can appear on almost any part of the body but mostly affects the beard, scalp, nails, groin, feet, palms, arms, and legs. The ring can grow up to a half to 1-inch radius.
Eczema is a long-lasting inflammatory skin condition whose symptoms vary in severity. It is the most common skin condition in babies, mainly affecting children under 5, but it can occur at any age.
It usually doesn’t cause a ring-shaped rash, but there is a specific type called Discoid eczema or, simply, nummular eczema, which leads to ring-shaped patches on the skin. Similar to ringworms, the patches look red and annoying. The affected area itches a lot and can also cause pain.
How do I know if I have ringworm or eczema?
By analyzing the appearance and location of symptoms, causes, and related factors, you can determine which condition your skin is dealing with.
See the below information:
Looking at the symptoms will make the situation clear. If it is ringworm, the patches on the skin will look inflamed, circular, and scaly. The center area within a patch will look normal and less affected. Scratching can even lead to the formation of blisters.
If the condition is nummular dermatitis, the skin will be less raised, and the patch will be round (not exactly a circle). The patches will be dry and cracked. The rash will be less scaly than the ringworm.
Irritants and other environmental factors often cause eczema. On the contrary, ringworm is a fungal infection caused by a common mold-like parasite that thrives on dead skin tissues (outer skin layer).
Eczema has unknown causes, but ringworm causes are known. Genetics, the immune system, irritants, environmental triggers, and skin infections are some causes of eczema.
Ringworm is a treatable condition whose symptoms last a few weeks to months. On the other hand, eczema is a more severe condition whose symptoms can last up to years.
Also, the pain, itching, flare-ups, and risk of further complications are higher in eczema. Mild ringworm may fade out within a few days to weeks without treatment. Eczema requires proper care and treatment, even in moderate scenarios.
Ringworm is a contagious skin infection. This means that it can spread by coming in contact with an affected person. Most of the time, individuals get ringworms from affected humans, animals, or the environment. A person affected by this condition must keep a safe distance and separate his/her daily use items to avoid their spreading. On the contrary, eczema cannot spread to another person.
Treatment and Healing
Ringworm heals faster. Treatment is not needed for mild conditions. Eczema cannot be fully cured, but its symptoms can be reduced with proper treatment, such as a moisturizing cream.
On the contrary, ringworm can be easily treated with antifungal products or effective home remedies.
Now, it should not be puzzling for you to identify each condition. By looking at the symptoms and severity of the condition and investigating the cause, you can tell it is eczema or ringworm. Keep in mind that eczema cannot spread from person to person, while ringworm can spread through animals and the environment.
I hope this information will greatly help you differentiate these confusing conditions.